Hello Noel Butler,

Am 2012-02-18 11:25:10, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
> If the OP is trying to avoid inline editing, does not the above become
> pointless?

Yes, and the wish of the OP is my wish too!

> Still requires inline editing to remove the
> include "/path/to/etc/zone1.conf", else named will have an error on
> reload.


> Being involved in the apache discussion I think I see where he wants to
> do, but I'm not sure if bind works like that.

I like to see bind working like this  ;-)

> (/me   fires up dev box)
>   .......
> OK,  Nick, it will not do what you want.
> Perhaps this is better off as a feature request, and, one that makes
> sound sense to me, although I include one hosts.conf file and put all
> entries in that and like most are very happy that way, if people are
> including singular zone files from another include file, it would make
> far better sense, less messy too (I think)

I think, the best would be the solution from apache, which  read  entire
directories if the include ends with a /.

How and where can I send this wish-list bug?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

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