Hello all,

I accidentally changed the serial number to one bigger than 32 bits and now
I'm trying to reset the serial number. Following the manual of Bind9 I
tried to add 2147483647 (2ˆ31-1) to the number and reload the server, but
my slave is not updating to the new zone serial number.

Here is what I'm doing:

# dig @ saturno.br SOA
example.br.         86400   IN      SOA     ns1.example.br.
hostmaster.example.br. *2694341036* 7200 3600 604800 86400

2694341036 + 2147483647 = 4841824683

I put this number as serial, but did not work. I also saw that when the
number is over than 4,294,967,295 I have to substract 4,294,967,296.
So 4841824683
- 4294967296 = 546857387.  It did not work too. Does anybody knows what I'm
doing wrong? I'm using Bind 9.7.3.

Best regards,

Carlos Eduardo Ribas
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