Unless I misunderstand what you're asking it's simple to do. 

Something like this:

view "internal"

   match-clients {; };

    include "stdzones/stdzones.conf";

    include "conf/internal-zones.conf";

    include "conf/authoritativezones.conf";
    include "conf/slavezones.conf";

view "external"

    match-clients        { any; };
    match-destinations    { any; };

    include "stdzones/stdzones.conf";

    include "conf/authoritativezones.conf";
    include "conf/slavezones.conf";

June 11, 2012 5:09 PM
I've inherited some responsibility for existing DNS system that makes
extensive use of BIND's view feature (there are 10 views; external,
internal-site1, internal-site2, ...etc...).

I'm experiencing a problem in that there's really only one zone that
differs between views, and now I'm facing the difficulty of wanting to
have these multi-viewed nameservers act as slaves for some additional
zones; with the slaved data being identically visible to all views.

In a perfect world, BIND would let me tell it that some zones were
global to all views, but this feature doesn't seem to exist.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to structure a setup like this?

About the only possibility I can come up with is to run two different
sets of nameservers, one for the zones that need to be different across
views, and one for the zones that need to be global.


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