On 15 Jun 2012, at 01:14, Rodrigo Renie Braga wrote:

> I've been trying to find examples on how to use TSIG to replicate several 
> differents views to a slave server, but I could only find with two views, and 
> I just couldn't figure out how to adapt that example to 3 or more views.
> Could you send me example on how to accomplish that?

        Something like what follows below may be what you need.
        This supports 3 views, keyed on TSIG or by default on
        client address.  For more views, no new ideas are needed.

include "/etc/select-tsig.keys";        // keep keys in protected file

acl captive-clients {
  // Purpose: triage for "captive" view
  key select-captive.ucd.ie.;           // select on this key
  ! key select-internal.ucd.ie.;        // by-pass
  ! key select-general.ucd.ie.;         // by-pass;                        // Target networks;;

acl internal-clients {
  // Purpose: triage for "internal" view
  key select-internal.ucd.ie.;          // select on this key
  ! key select-captive.ucd.ie.;         // by-pass (redundant)
  ! key select-general.ucd.ie.;         // by-pass
  localhost;;                        // Special networks;

// Clients not otherwise selected are offered "general" view

// special-purpose view: 'captive'
view "captive" {

  match-clients { captive-clients; };

  // view details go here ...

};                                      // End view "captive"

view "internal" {

  match-clients { internal-clients; };

  // view details go here ...


// standard view: 'general'
view "general" {

  match-clients { any; };

  // view details go here ...


        I hope this helps.

        Niall O'Reilly

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