On 9/13/12 2:01 AM, pangj wrote:

> Should we use the latest 9.9 version of BIND instead of others 9.x?

At the current moment, ISC develops and provides patches for four
different version sequences of BIND 9:

  BIND 9.6-ESV
  BIND 9.7
  BIND 9.8
& BIND 9.9

They are intended to serve slightly different functions for different

BIND 9.6-ESV is an "Extended Support Version" of BIND (as indicated
by the "-ESV" suffix.  Though 9.6 is no longer being actively developed,
ISC made a commitment to continue supporting the existing code with
security patches and bug fixes through March 2013.

BIND 9.7 is about to reach its "End of Life" (aka EOL.)  It was
originally predicted to reach its final version in August 2012,
after which it would receive no more updates (except possibly in
very unusual circumstances.)  Its EOL has been pushed back to
this month, but when BIND 9.7.7 comes out (before the end of this
month) that is expected to be the final release version of BIND 9.7.
Consequently you should not now be changing to the 9.7 line but if
you are on 9.7 you can upgrade to 9.7.6-P3 or 9.7.7 while you
make plans to migrate to 9.8 or 9.9.

BIND 9.8 will be the next version to become an Extended Support Version
and will be supported for several years hence.  BIND 9.8 is stable,
reasonably mature, and will be supported with some feature improvements
and all bug fixes.

And BIND 9.9 is the version which is currently receiving the most
development effort for new features and functionality.

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