IMO, the only boxes which should have IPs in both public and private netblocks 
should be your firewall/NAT routing boxes.

That's how we usually have our servers set up--the load balancer gets the public IPs, the servers get the private IPs, and we use NAT to translate between the two.

Here's a question, however: how does one get probes working for a transparent 
LB setup?  If an rserver listens for connections on all interfaces, then probes 
work fine, but return traffic from the uses the machine's default IP (not the 
VIP that was originally queried) for the source address of the return traffic.

That's the default routing behavior for most platforms.  Some of them might 
support some form of policy-based routing via ipfw fwd / route-to or similar 
with other firewall mechanisms which would let the probes get returned from 
some other source address if you want them to do so.

Good to know--you'd definitely expect traffic to come back on the main interface. I've considered setting up some iptables rules to make this happen, but if I can avoid it, so much the better. Sounds like this is what I need to do, however, if I want both probes and regular requests to work.

What have people done to get probes working with transparent LB?  Are any of 
you using NAT to handle your dns traffic?  Not tying up NAT tables seems like 
the way to go, but lack of probes is a deal-breaker on this end.

The locals around here have the luxury of a /8 netblock, so they can setup the 
reals behind a LB using publicly routable IPs and never need to NAT upon DNS 
traffic.  Folks with more limited # of routable IPs might well use LB to reals 
on an unrouteable private network range behind NAT, but in which case they 
wouldn't configure those boxes with public IPs.

We're on a /16, so we have plenty of public IPs (though not as many as you!) to play with, too. The choice to NAT has historically been more about security than anything else--if something is privately IPed, we've got it on a special VLAN as well.

Presumably those reals are still behind a virtual ip address that's also public, right? If that's the case, how do you keep your probes (to the IP behind the LB) working, while still sending back regular DNS traffic (that was originally sent to the virtual IP) with the VIP as a source address? Seems like you get only one or the other unless you tweak iptables/ipfw/etc.

I appreciate the help, Chuck! Would you mind PMing me or posting your configs? That might be the most useful.



eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr DE:AD:CA:FE:BE:EF
          inet addr:129.64.x.11  Bcast:129.64.x.255  Mask:

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING NOARP  MTU:16436  Metric:1

lo:1      Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:129.64.x.53 (VIP)  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING NOARP  MTU:16436  Metric:1

Here's my ACE config (IP addrs deliberately munged):

access-list anyone line 10 extended permit ip any any

probe dns
  description Query dns servers for
  interval 5
  passdetect interval 10
  expect address

rserver host dns1
description dev-level recursive DNS server; running BIND9 in the xen-ha-environment.
  ip address 129.64.x.11
rserver host dns2
description dev-level recursive DNS server; running PowerDNS in the xen-ha-environment.
  ip address 129.64.x.12
rserver host dns3
description dev-level recursive DNS server; running BIND9 in the XenServer environment.
  ip address 129.64.x.13
rserver host dns4
description dev-level recursive DNS server; running PowerDNS in the XenServer environment.
  ip address 129.64.x.14

serverfarm host dns-recursive
  description Dev-level recursive DNS servers--both BIND and PowerDNS
  rserver dns1
  rserver dns2
  rserver dns3
  rserver dns4

class-map match-all VIP
  2 match virtual-address 129.64.x.53 udp eq domain

policy-map type loadbalance first-match L7SLBPOLICY
  class class-default
    serverfarm dns-recursive

policy-map multi-match L4SLBPOLICY
  class VIP
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy L7SLBPOLICY
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply active

interface vlan 100
  ip address 129.64.x.100
  peer ip address 129.64.x.101
  no normalization
  access-group input anyone
  service-policy input L4SLBPOLICY
  no shutdown

ip route 129.64.x.1
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