
Is it possible to configure BIND for IPV4 and IPV6 in the same server?


On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 9:35 PM, John Miller <johnm...@brandeis.edu> wrote:

> Thanks, Phil.  This makes perfect sense--unlike TCP, there's nothing
> inherent in UDP to make sure that packets come back from the right IP.
> Thank you also for explaining this in terms of the socket APIs.  This is
> something I've only barely touched on--time for me to play around a bit and
> write some code.  I'd also just been doing an rndc stop/start to update the
> listening sockets--just what's bundled into the initscript. I'll keep
> reconfig in mind--might come in handy.
> Aside: realized that I didn't reply to the list last time--doing so now.
> John
> On 10/25/2012 11:53 AM, Phil Mayers wrote:
>> On 25/10/12 15:54, John Miller wrote:
>> Is BIND associating each request with a particular socket, then?  It
>>> would certainly make sense if that were the case.  This was something I
>>> didn't fully realize.
>> Yes.
>> Something else I didn't fully realize was that by default, BIND binds to
>>> _each_ of the available IP addresses on the system--_not_ to, as
>>> happens with other network daemons (e.g. sshd).
>> It does this because the cross-platform AF_INET socket APIs are limited.
>> Binding a socket to each separate IP and replying from the same socket
>> is the simplest cross-platform way to guarantee that UDP replies come
>> from the right IP.
>> AF_INET6 has a newer API which solves this, and if you "lsof -i :53"
>> you'll see that bind only opens one socket for IPv6/UDP (unless you are
>> on a system which doesn't implement RFC 3493/3542, in which case it
>> falls back to one socket per IPv6 address).
>> TCP-based daemons can ignore this, because the TCP stack takes care of it.
>> Note that bind doesn't detect new IPs immediately - you need to do "rndc
>> reconfig" or wait for the timer ("interface-interval" in the "options"
>> block).
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