On 12/27/2012 03:05 AM, Dmitri Tarkhov wrote:
But this small subzone cannot be used for direct reverse resolving right
at my dns. It can only be done at class C (or B, or A) granularity.
So to achieve exactly what I want I need to pull somehow this class C
zone "z.y.x.in-addr.arpa" to my dns.

The problem seems to be that you are mixing apples and oranges. You _can_ resolve the 2317 names (such as 241.241-255.z.y.x.in-addr.arpa) at your authoritative server, what you can't do is resolve 241.z.y.x.in-addr.arpa directly. So what? I realize that it's inconvenient (and I agree with Mark that the upstream should allow you to slave the zone), but other than for testing, every client that comes to your authoritative server will do so on a referral from your upstream, so it will work for name resolution from a resolver. That's what you care about most, right?

Rejoice in your working configuration, and move on ... life is too short to lose sleep over things like this.

hope this helps,

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