Hi John,

El 2013-10-08 11:49:24, John Wobus escribió:
> They took responsibility for their
> nameserver's deficiency, but it
> makes me wonder:
> -Is this addressed by a standard?  E.g.,
>  the nameserver's A record have the same
>  TTL as NS records pointing at it.
> -Is this addressed by a "best practice"?

I don't of any standard addressing this. Neither I know a best practice
document on this.

But due to my experience, it is a quite common practice to have longer
TTL on NS records than on A records. I consider this quite normal, as
often you will more often change individual host's IP address than the
addresses of your nameservers.
Setting longer TTLs on the NS records reduces load on the higher level
DNS servers while allowing you to update entries in your zone faster.

For example DynDNS uses a TTL of 60 seconds for their customer's A
records while having a TTL value of 86400 seconds (1 day) on their NS


Matthias Wimmer
Contact details:     http://matthias.wimmer.tel/

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