On 21/12/13 14:10, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> On 21.12.13 14:00, Daniel Lintott wrote:
>> I have pasted the output from running named as above here:
>> http://pastebin.com/FprFEkyb
>> I had changed the zone on the master and reloaded named a couple of
>> times on the slave.
>> Interestingly even when I've stopped named and I attempt a transfer it
>> replies with the same SERVFAIL... whereas I'd have expected it to be
>> unreachable (or similar)
> I see two SOA requests but no AXFR.
> I see this:
> 21-Dec-2013 12:53:34.560 binding TCP socket: address in use
> two times. Who is listening on TCP port 53? Apparently the one DNS
> server that is replying SERVFAIL...

Aaarrgggh! I don't know why I didn't spot that... Running a
netstat -anp | grep :53 turned up the answer... dnsmasq was running!

With that stopped the AXFR now succeeds!

Thankyou for everyone's help


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