Hi Guys,

Though it may not relevant with BIND but I need help with NS servers which
are now hosted inside. I have a domain hosted with godaddy and godaddy were
the DNS as well as registrars. Now I have setup my own DNS server inside my
network and pointed NS record in godaddy panel which happened properly and
I can directly see those my new NS as NS record for my domain.

Now I have a A record added on my DNS servers but somehow that hostname is
not getting resolved but when I particulary use those NS servers and then
query it properly gives me the answer.

   1. Does that mean my delegation did not happen properly?
   2. Or my queries are not being forwarded to my DNS servers when queried
   over the internet?
   3. Or Do I need to change SOA as well? [As SOA still shows the godaddy
   NS record]

Please help
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