On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 10:12:19PM +0530, Blason R wrote:
> Ah, so this is funny Godaddy DNS settings!!! Crap I have setup 
> vanity nameservers but seems it is still pointing to Godaddy DNS IP 
> Addresses. And the most funny part is no body knows at gdaddy how 
> to delegate my DNS servers since I am using premium DNS serves.

Perhaps a Godaddy-to-DNS terminology translation will help? The 
Godaddy word for "glue" is "domain hosts".  (Caveat: it has been in 
excess of a year since I have seen the Godaddy user interface. This
translation offer is void where taxed or prohibited, or if they made
changes in the meantime.)

Make a "domain host" entry for each of your NS hosts for which you 
need glue, that is, where the NS name is within the delegated 

Create your zone on the to-be-delegated nameservers.  Test with 
directed dig commands to be sure it works:
        dig isnlab.in. any @your.ns.ip.addr
You should see an authoritative reply with the zone data you 
configured.  And yes, you definitely DO need your own SOA with a 
proper mname, rname, and updated (higher) serial.

Finally, point NS in the Godaddy domain panel to your new 
nameservers, and Bob's your uncle.

I have no idea about Godaddy's "premium DNS".  It probably means you 
gave them extra money that you should not have given, if you planned 
to be running your own nameservers.  I bet they won't refund it.

> On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 9:57 PM, Chris Thompson <c...@cam.ac.uk> 
> wrote:
> > On Jul 20 2014, Blason R wrote:
> >
> >  The domain is isnlab.in and host i am trying to ping is 
> >  lbtest.isnlab.in
> >>
> >
> > The glue for delegation isnlab,in is out of step with (various) 
> > in-zone contents. The "in" servers give a referral to
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