Am 01.08.2014 um 11:56 schrieb ahmed salim:
> we recently installed Bind 9.9.4 on CentOS 7, and it's working properly.
> the only problem that we have is the (logging), we can't stop logging.
> First thing I tried is to disable IPv6 logs, by editing 
> "/etc/sysconfig/named" and make (OPTIONS="-4"),
> but that doesn't work .
> After that, I tried to use logging { } clause, and that doesn't work too.
> Finally, I tried to stop all Bind logging, many attempts without success.
> so, is there any solution to stop or control Bind logging ???
> any help will be appreciated 

which logging (syslog or bind-logfiles)
which type of logs - there are a lot!

why disable it completly?
that's unwise in case of troubles
limit them in size and you have recent informations

querylog no;
 channel default_log
  file                 "data/named.log" versions 0 size 1m;
  severity             dynamic;
  print-time           yes;
  print-category       yes;
 channel transfer_log
  file                 "data/transfer.log" versions 0 size 1m;
  severity             dynamic;
  print-time           yes;
  print-category       yes;
 channel rate_limit_log
  file                 "data/rate_limit.log" versions 0 size 1m;
  severity             dynamic;
  print-time           yes;
  print-category       yes;
 channel lame_servers_log
  file                 "data/lame_servers.log" versions 0 size 1m;
  severity             dynamic;
  print-time           yes;
  print-category       yes;
 channel query_errors_log
  file                 "data/query_errors.log" versions 0 size 1m;
  severity             dynamic;
  print-time           yes;
  print-category       yes;
 category default      {default_log;};
 category resolver     {default_log;};
 category security     {default_log;};
 category xfer-in      {transfer_log;};
 category xfer-out     {transfer_log;};
 category config       {default_log;};
 category queries      {default_log;};
 category notify       {default_log;};
 category database     {default_log;};
 category rate-limit   {rate_limit_log;};
 category lame-servers {lame_servers_log;};
 category query-errors {query_errors_log;};

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