[Intentional top post]
Moderator to the white courtesy phone please...

Folk come to this list for discussions and advice on using BIND, not
for A: discussions of mailing list etiquette or B: pissing matches.


On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 6:33 AM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:
> who do you think you are that you believe you have to decide
> which sort of private mails i accept in case someone asks
> for help on a public list?
> it's not dictatorship to not like private respones excluding the
> list and refer to basic guidlines for using a mailing list
> the only offensive and abusive thing is after the first answer
> continue to respond in private - if you would open your eyes you
> would see technical answers below what you dediced to quote
> "a cvertain blacklsit operator on this list a few days ago said you
> were well behaved" -> no *yesterday* 2014-08-07 and look how old
> the mails you respond today are
> you are bored and dig around in old mails which are not your business
> and *that* is *really abusive* - if you think that sort of dig around
> in messages from someone you don't like and quote him selective days
> later leads to let you look smarter you are wrong
> so if you have nothing to say go back from where you came
> Am 08.08.2014 um 12:11 schrieb Nick Edwards:
>> bugger off with your dictatorship
>> do not bring it here like you take it every list you go to, well,
>> those that you have not been kicked off of that is
>> On 8/2/14, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>> why do you reply off-list, in HTML and top-posting?
> Am 08.08.2014 um 12:14 schrieb Nick Edwards:
>> maybe he will, when you learn  to stop being so offensive and abusive
>> on every list you decide to join, and to tink  a cvertain blacklsit
>> operator on this list a few days ago said you were well behaved, hrmmm
>> are you paying him you off so he wont list you again in his rbl
>> On 8/3/14, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>> jesus christ learn to use mailing-lists, stop to reply
>>> in private and strip your qutes
>>>> On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 10:24 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>>> why do you reply off-list, in HTML and top-posting?
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