In article <>,
 Alan Clegg <> wrote:

> On 9/10/14, 8:42 AM, Sam Wilson wrote:
> > And you could reduce maintenance very slightly by replacing
> > 
> > www             in      A
> > 
> > with 
> > 
> > www             in      CNAME   @
> And now you have an MX record, 3 NS records and a bunch of other crap
> associated with the WWW address.  Keeping track of one extra A record
> (and associated AAAA record if you go in that direction) isn't a bad thing.

And the discussion went on from there.  Sorry, I really didn't mean to 
poke a hornets' nest.

> (Personal preferences, of course)

Personal preference and dependent on the exact needs of the users of the 
data, of course.


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