On 11.09.14 13:14, Bob Harold wrote:
In reference to the question of using a CNAME or A record for "
www.example.com", it seems to me that the best solution, if we could ever
get there, would be to create a new record type that means "redirect an A
or AAAA lookup to this other name".  Like this:

example.com.  IN  SOA  ....
example.com.  IN  ANAME  my.webhosting.com.
www.example.com.  IN  CNAME  my.webhosting.com.

I use "ANAME" to mean "like a CNAME, but only for A and AAAA lookups", with
no restrictions on other names with the same left side (except perhaps
other A and AAAA records if that is necessary for technical reasons).

Several DNS and hosting providers provide similar functionality, but is
there any chance of widespread DNS support for something like this?

It's a server-side thing. The current protocol does not support redirecting
only for A and/or AAAA, nor any particular types, only everything (CNAME).

Is there already and RFC for this?

I'm not sure whether this kind of RR should be introduced.
Maybe redirect that defines types to be redirected...

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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