On 6/18/15, 7:09 PM, "Stuart Browne" <stuart.bro...@bomboratech.com.au>
Just wondering.  You mention you're using RHEL6; are you also getting
messages in 'dmesg' about connection tracking tables being full?  You may
need some 'NOTRACK' rules in your iptables.

On 18.06.15 23:11, Mike Hoskins (michoski) wrote:
Just following along, for the record...  On our side, iptables is
completely disabled.  We do that sort of thing upstream on dedicated
firewalls.  Just now getting time to reply to Cathy...more detail on that

aren't those firewalls overloaded?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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