Am 07.09.2015 um 11:24 schrieb stavrostseriotis:
I have a RedHat 5.11 machine and currently I am facing the issue with
BIND vulnerability CVE-2015-5477. I cannot update my BIND using yum
because I didn’t install BIND from RedHat at the first place so I need
to do it manually.

I downloaded the package of version 9.9.7-P2 from isc website but since
it is not an rpm file I have to build it myself.

I followed the instructions I found on website
but it does not change the version of bind. I don’t know what I am doing

I am wondering if you can give me a little guideline on how to build and
install the new version.

you need to install the new build at the same build-prefix as the running one while you from the begin should have built your own RPM with rpmbuild and a SPEC-file based on the redhat rpm-spec

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