> > Just curious, is there a fundamental reason you have to oppose this
> > beyond simply the scale?
> It's a cargo cult style extension of a not particularly useful IPv4
> convention to IPv6.  A much more useful convention that happens to
> be easier to implement is that hosts with static addresses have rDNS
> and hosts without do not.  That would be a lot more useful to
> all involved.

I respectfully disagree.  I, although naturally biased, feel
strongly our I-D is something which should have existed since the
beginning of DNS.  It allows address space to be "tagged" and
organized in a manner that just makes sense.

Imagine if you will a class-A (borrowing from legacy terminology)
being assigned to ARIN.  This block is "tagged" as ARIN's IP space
in its entirety.  A smaller block gets assigned to ISP-1 and it
gets "tagged" as ISP-1's, again in its entirety.

I understand rwhois exists but it is much more complicated to manage
than DNS and for the most part is only used at the RIR level for
reverse IP namespace.

> But again, at M3AAWG, this seems to be a settled topic.  Anyone
> who expects rDNS for dynamic IPv6 addresses is an outlier.

Again, although I cannot speak on behalf of M3AAWG I respectfully
disagree with this being a problem only for outliers.

I think since a lot of the numbers in the IPv6 network ranges seem
close enough to infinity they scare people and it is simply easier
to pretend none of it is real.  I can see this topic circling back
until a solution can be adopted.

> R's,
> John
> PS: Have you figured out how to do DNSSEC on dynamically generated
> reverse zones, both for results that return PTR and results that
> return NXDOMAIN?
> It's possible but it's not trivial.

Yes, and "it's not trivial" is quite the understatement :)



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