As others have commented, more information about your config and your setup 
need to be provided, before a proper troubleshooting can occur. I would add, 
you should be more specific than just “resolution error”. Is it a timeout? An 
NXDOMAIN? A SERVFAIL? A so-called “NODATA” response or a referral (i.e. 
NOERROR, but 0 answers)? You might need to use a tool like “dig” to see for 
sure what the response is (nslookup often triggers domain-suffixing behavior, 
which obfuscates the actual error, so I would stay away from nslookup as a DNS 
troubleshooting tool). Another important piece of information about the 
response is the status of the flags, e.g. whether the RA (Recursion Available) 
and/or AA (Authoritative Answer) flags are set.

What I would say, generally, is that if you want your new setup to look as 
close as possible to your old setup, then your new server should be 
authoritative for the same zones as your old server is/was. Thus, I would lean 
in the direction of making the new server slave for those zones. That will give 
you a better “apples-to-apples” comparison, than trying to mix-and-match 
authoritative and forwarding behavior, which can greatly complicate things.

                - Kevin

From: bind-users [] On Behalf Of Elias 
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 4:44 PM
Subject: DNS forwarding


Our scenario today consists of one:

- DNS Server (Authoritative to our subdomains. Ex:<>*,<>, etc)
- samba3 PDC server
- Openldap server (user base for samba)

All our IPs are public.

This scenario above works like a charm!! :D

Now, I'm implementing a new samba4 AD server.

In order for me to be able to put users in the AD domain, I need to configure 
the samba4 AD IP as primary dns on the computers. In the bind installed on 
samba4 AD I configured the "forwarder" variable with the IP of our DNS server.

The problem is that from this computer, if I need to access an internal 
subdomain, for example our webserver*, I can not access. Gives resolution 
error. For any other site, for example,<>, I can 

I'm not finding the problem. Any idea?

Elias Pereira
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