On 06/19/2017 08:51 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
On 19.06.17 08:03, Pierre Couderc wrote:
Ok, thank you all, now I need to understand your answers...

long story short:

in the "125.124.123.in-addr.arpa" zone:

126   IN   PTR   mail.xxx.com.

quoting your original message:
What should I put for IPV4 reverse address : if I put mail.xxx.com, the
reverse address will not point on ns.xxx.com, and if put ns.xxx.com, the
reverse dns will not point on mail.xxx.com, and I shall have mail

you will not have problem. who told you that?

Thnk you, but your way of shortening the story ignores the IPV6. bind and MTA are on différent computers, and different IPV6 addresses. If I do what you say reverse IP for DNS will point on mail.xxx.com and not on ns.xxx.com.

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