I did try manually updating vi nsupdate -l

> zone example.com
> update add example.com. 86400 IN SOA      ns1.example.net. admin.example.com. 
> 2019022200 3600 300 1209600 3600
> update add konamicode.example.com. 86400 IN CNAME       www.example.com.
> send
; Communication with ::1#53 failed: timed out
update failed: FORMERR

Why is it defaulting to IPv6? This system is not setup for IPv6. Do I have to 
setup named.conf to listen on ::1?

Also, confusingly, despite the error the zone WAS updated.

There used to be such simple directions, back in the days before they
invented parallel universes - Up and Down, Right and Left, Backward and
Forward, Past and Future... But normal directions don't work in the
multiverse, which has far too many dimensions for anyone to find their
way. So new ones have to be invented so that the way can be found. Like:
East of the Sun, West of the Moon Or: Behind the North Wind. Or: At the
Back of Beyond. Or: There and Back Again. Or: Beyond the Fields We
Know. --Lords and Ladies

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