I am getting the following error on one specific domain and I am unsure how to 
fi it. Searching for the error lead to suggestions about not running multiple 
copies of bind on the same machine, but that is not the case here (and it is 
only affecting one domain).

named[652] malformed transaction: example.com.signed.jnl last serial 2018022385 
!= transaction first serial 2018022384
named[652] zone example.com/IN: zone_resigninc:dns_journal_write_transaction -> 
unexpected error
named[652] malformed transaction: example.com.signed.jnl last serial 2018022385 
!= transaction first serial 2018022384
named[652] zone example.com/IN: zone_resigninc:dns_journal_write_transaction -> 
unexpected error

If I put aside the jnl file and stop/start bind the error goes away, but 
eventually it comes back, always for the same domain.

(Setup is DNS primary on on machine and a secondary server on a separate 
machine. Errors are on the primary server.)

Thunder rolled... It rolled a six.

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