On 19 Oct 2020, at 00:54, Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk> wrote:
> On 18.10.20 11:00, @lbutlr wrote:
>> I am getting the following error on one specific domain and I am unsure how 
>> to fi it. Searching for the error lead to suggestions about not running 
>> multiple copies of bind on the same machine, but that is not the case here 
>> (and it is only affecting one domain).
>> named[652] malformed transaction: example.com.signed.jnl last serial 
>> 2018022385 != transaction first serial 2018022384
>> named[652] zone example.com/IN: zone_resigninc:dns_journal_write_transaction 
>> -> unexpected error
>> named[652] malformed transaction: example.com.signed.jnl last serial 
>> 2018022385 != transaction first serial 2018022384
>> named[652] zone example.com/IN: zone_resigninc:dns_journal_write_transaction 
>> -> unexpected error
>> If I put aside the jnl file and stop/start bind the error goes away, but 
>> eventually it comes back, always for the same domain.
>> (Setup is DNS primary on on machine and a secondary server on a separate 
>> machine. Errors are on the primary server.)
> what's the primary server? maybe broken DNS implementation

Bind $CURRENT ((9.16.7)), though this has been happening sporadically for 

Stopping and starting bind after removing the jnl files seems to fix it for 
quite awhile

Other than the logged error there seems to be no other side-effect of this, the 
domain continues to resolve. I suspect it might have something to do with the 
DNSEC self-updating, but that is only a guess based on the fact it takes a long 
time to recur.

Mirrors contain infinity. Infinity contains more things than you
        think. Everything, for a start. Including hunger. Because there's
        a million billion images, but only one soul to go around.
        --Witches Abroad

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