What you want is a program on the rPI that will query the internet to find what 
the current outside address is and then send that to the bind9 server.

There are several ways of doing this.  
1) Use a service and have a CNAME pointing to the DNS entry of the service. 
Some examples:

2) Use a custom script that will use ntpupdate to update a dynamic zone on the 
bind9 server.  This is what I have done.
The script first queries the outside world for the ip address and then builds a 
nsupdate command set to send to the server.  I am doing this on a CentOS box, 
but it should work on a rPI.   I do use a key to prevent others from updating 
this record. 

# Servers: http://dynupdate.no-ip.com/ip.php, http://www.antedes.com/getip.php, 
# Less straifghtforward: http://checkip.dyndns.org/, ...


# First, retrieve IP address
CURIP=`curl -s $IPS | awk '{ print $1 }'`
OLDIP=`cat $DNSP/oldip`  
echo $OLDIP
# Compare to previously saved IP
[ "$CURIP" == "$OLDIP" ] && exit
echo $CURIP > $DNSP/oldip
echo `date` $CURIP >> $DNSP/oldips
echo $CURIP
# If different, tell DNS
echo "server mybind9serverIP" > $DNSP/zone
echo "zone dyn.example.com" >> $DNSP/zone
echo "update delete rpi.dyn.example.com. A" >> $DNSP/zone
echo "update add rpi.dyn.example.com. 3600  A $CURIP" >> $DNSP/zone
echo "show" >> $DNSP/zone
echo "send" >> $DNSP/zone
echo "before nsupdate"
/usr/bin/nsupdate -k $DNSP/Krpi.dyn.example.com.+157+02083.private $DNSP/zone 
IN external

bind config entry

        zone “dyn.example.com" {
                type master;
                file "master/external/dyn.example.com";
                allow-update {key rpi.dyn.example.com.; };
                inline-signing yes;
                auto-dnssec maintain;
                key-directory "/keys/dyn.example.com/";

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