I rather prefer tshark to tcpdump: it's essentially the command line version of 
wireshark, and thus has wireshark's protocol "dissecting" abilities.

On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 22:20:08 +0000
"John W. Blue via bind-users" <bind-users@lists.isc.org> wrote:

> Three words:  tcpdump and wireshark
> It is like peanut and jelly .. hall and oates .. salt and pepper .. ebb and 
> flow .. pen and paper .. I could go on but …
> Know them.  Love them.  They are your newest best friends.
> <grin>
> Using tcpdump IMHO should be the first tool anyone uses when troubleshooting 
> seemly unexplainable DNS weirdness.
> Knowing what is being put on the wire (or lack thereof) is critical since it 
> provides key factual data points that decisions can be made on.  When running 
> tcpdump on the DNS server I personally prefer this command:
> tcpdump -n -i <interface eg eth0> -s 65535 -w <filename.pcap>
> dash n is telling tcpdump that you do not want it to resolve hostnames.  This 
> is an important option when doing DNS troubleshooting because you do not want 
> extra resolutions taking place.
> dash s is saying gimme the full packet.
> dash w is the name of the file you want the output saved in.
> After starting the command, run several queries from a host and ctrl+c to 
> exit.
> Once you get your file into wireshark now you can start slicing n dicing on 
> the data!
> Here is handy wireshark filter:  dns.qry.name == internet-dns1.state.ma.us
> By using a filter of dns.flags.rcode == (number here) you can drive off into 
> the weeds and get super granular with sorting the data.  For example 
> “dns.flags.rcode == 2” will show you all of the server failures for queries.
> It is hard to provide further guidance on what to do since what you find in 
> the pcap is only a starting point.
> Good hunting!
> As an aside I would like to mention that you do not need to travel home to 
> get situational awareness when the diggui.com website can be used instead.
> Also.  For the people running .us tld .. SHA1 for DNSSEC .. really?
> https://dnsviz.net/d/state.ma.us/dnssec/
> John
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