On Thu, May 06, 2021 at 11:57:58AM -0400, Dennis Clarke via bind-users wrote:
> I do NOT trust a build result where I had to go hacking into all the
> Makefiles just to get it to build. You install without doing testing?

I think Ondrej just meant that we haven't put much emphasis on making the
tests user-friendly, since most of the time you *don't* have to hack
makefiles. We generally use the tests to make sure we haven't broken
something while making changes, but we're not expecting everybody to
do so when installing a published release.  That said, I'm *delighted*
to see people running them.

We seem to have inadvertently removed a nice feature when the tests were
revamped a while back - it used to print a helpful message if you ran
"make check" without setting up the environment first, and told you what
you needed to do (specifically, "sudo sh bin/tests/system/ifconfig.sh up").
I think the message got lost when we switched to automake.

Some tests will be skipped if there are missing dependencies, so you may
also wish to install the Net::DNS, Net::DNS::Nameserver and XML::Simple
modules for perl, and dnspython for python.

Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.org
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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