On 5/8/21 14:13, Evan Hunt wrote:
> On Thu, May 06, 2021 at 11:57:58AM -0400, Dennis Clarke via bind-users wrote:
>> I do NOT trust a build result where I had to go hacking into all the
>> Makefiles just to get it to build. You install without doing testing?
> I think Ondrej just meant that we haven't put much emphasis on making the
> tests user-friendly, since most of the time you *don't* have to hack
> makefiles. We generally use the tests to make sure we haven't broken
> something while making changes, but we're not expecting everybody to
> do so when installing a published release.  That said, I'm *delighted*
> to see people running them.
> We seem to have inadvertently removed a nice feature when the tests were
> revamped a while back - it used to print a helpful message if you ran
> "make check" without setting up the environment first, and told you what
> you needed to do (specifically, "sudo sh bin/tests/system/ifconfig.sh up").
> I think the message got lost when we switched to automake.
> Some tests will be skipped if there are missing dependencies, so you may
> also wish to install the Net::DNS, Net::DNS::Nameserver and XML::Simple
> modules for perl, and dnspython for python.

Well to be fair the build result seems to be just fine. At least fine
enough on this legacy system. The idea is to rip this machine out of
existence in the next year regardless and that will be the last time I
ever look at Solaris or SPARC. End of an era and I think LawnMower Larry
wants things that way.  So 9.11.31 will be running as a service on some
Fujitsu SPARC64 boxen until Jan next year and that is he end of that.

For that matter, even Fujitsu tossed the platform out a window and they
built their latest supercomputer with arm64.  Lets hope that RISC-V will
get some traction but risc on big endian anything is an endangered
species rarely ever seen in the wild anymore.

Dennis Clarke
UNIX and Linux spoken
GreyBeard and suspenders optional
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