> On 10 Sep 2021, at 13:30, Mark Tinka <mark@tinka.africa> wrote:
> On 9/10/21 12:35, sth...@nethelp.no wrote:
>> Freebsd 12.2-STABLE here with servers running BIND 9.16.15, 9.16.18
>> and 9.16.20, all using libuv 1.41.0, all installed from ports. Typical
>> query load from around 3k qps to around 14k qps. No sign of any memory
>> leak.
> Would be interesting to hear your experiences when/if you do move to 
> FreeBSD-13.0.
> Still going nice and stable with 9.11.

I haven’t noticed any of that, although the memory footprint seems to be lower 
after doing a couple of things.

1- Updating libuv to 1.42 on one of the servers

2- Adding a bogus 127.10.whatever to the spare Ethernet interface I am not 
using, per a previous comment on
this thread about a memory leak due to interfaces with no addresses.

So now I have two recursives running FreeBSD 13, one with libuv 1.41, the other 
one with 1.42. The behavior
seems to be similar, I had a slow growing memory usage when there was no IP 
address assigned to the spare, unused
Ethernet interface (even though I didn’t put a listen-on { any; }; clause.


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