Grant Taylor via bind-users <> wrote:
> On 11/13/21 7:29 AM, Tony Finch wrote:
> > You should make sure that your public nameservers return a definite nodata
> > or NXDOMAIN reply for your private names, not REFUSED, nor a referral to an
> > RFC 1918 address. The latter two will cause resolvers to retry, and the
> > retries can become a large proportion of your total authoritative query
> > traffic.
> Please elaborate on the mechanics behind returning a ""private IP
> causing resolvers to retry?  Is it the resolvers rejecting the ""private
> IP and retrying?

Yes, because they get a referral to nameservers that don't respond or that
respond incorrectly.

f.anthony.n.finch  <>
Forties: East or southeast, veering south later, 4 to 6. Moderate. Fog
patches at first. Moderate or good, occasionally very poor at first.

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