On 2022-08-25 03:05, Greg Choules wrote:

Hello J
What is it you're actually trying to achieve here?

Cheers, Greg

Hi Greg,

I'm looking to have my: queries.log (which logs all the queries my Bind 9.16.30 recursive resolver resolves), rotated at the end of the day and I'd like to keep 7 days worth of those logs.

I didn't see anywhere in the log rotation options for: named.conf that mentioned rotation based on *time*. I saw I can configure rotations based on the size of the file, but I'd like rotation to happen once every 24 hours.

With that in mind, I believe I could change the logging stanza from:

    file "/var/queries.log"
        versions 2 size 1G suffix increment;

to (syntax might be incorrect):

    file "/var/queries.log"
        size 1G;

I still want any daily log *before* it's being rotated to be a maximum size of 1 GB.

I believe my: newsyslog.conf line to rotate the logs daily is correct, except I wasn't entirely sure what the: rndc equivalent of sending SIGHUP to Bind was, as the ARM and man note that sending signals to control Bind is deprecated.


- J
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