Hello all,

I’m still having a really hard time understanding and getting my timings right. 
 At least I think I am (from the way I’m reading the status/logs/state files).

I let my current CSK get completely “omnipresent” for all it’s timers (I’m not 
even sure if this is really necessary…)  I did a rollover, and I’m very 
confused by the various timers I’m seeing.

FYI - I added:

        publish-safety 1d;
        retire-safety 1d;

To the policy “default”.  Other than that and NSEC3, everything is using values 
from the “default” policy.  With this, it seems that my successor key will go 
active but CDS won’t be published until the same exact time.  This seems to 
defeat the purpose of doing an overlapping rollover.  I would think I would 
want CDS published before the new key goes active.  Is the old key going to 
keep being used for signing as well ?  I don’t think so because it’s retirement 
is also at this exact moment.

So simultaneously, it seems that I have:

- New key start to be used for signing
- CDS is published
- Old key is retired  

If I’m reading this right - did my timers screw this up ?  I would have 
hoped/assumed that the “default” policy would have timers arranged as such as 
there there *should* not be any gaps in coverage (assuming everything else goes 
swimmingly…)  I’ll be honest - I’m kind of feeling like an idiot because of how 
difficult this seems.

Can someone please set me straight ?  I can “nuke” this zone’s keys and state 
and start over (which I’ve done several times already).  It’s just getting a 
bit tiresome because of course when I do this all the various timers start over.

Here are my state files, 2 keys.  Current and a successor.  Thanks in advance.

; This is the state of key 3697, for acuity.tech.
Algorithm: 13
Length: 256
Lifetime: 0
Predecessor: 35731
KSK: yes
ZSK: yes
Generated: 20221127221000 (Sun Nov 27 17:10:00 2022)
Published: 20221127221000 (Sun Nov 27 17:10:00 2022)
Active: 20221128231500 (Mon Nov 28 18:15:00 2022)
PublishCDS: 20221128231500 (Mon Nov 28 18:15:00 2022)
DNSKEYChange: 20221127221000 (Sun Nov 27 17:10:00 2022)
ZRRSIGChange: 20221127221000 (Sun Nov 27 17:10:00 2022)
KRRSIGChange: 20221127221000 (Sun Nov 27 17:10:00 2022)
DSChange: 20221127221000 (Sun Nov 27 17:10:00 2022)
DNSKEYState: rumoured
ZRRSIGState: hidden
KRRSIGState: rumoured
DSState: hidden
GoalState: omnipresent

; This is the state of key 35731, for acuity.tech.
Algorithm: 13
Length: 256
Lifetime: 546573
Successor: 3697
KSK: yes
ZSK: yes
Generated: 20221122152527 (Tue Nov 22 10:25:27 2022)
Published: 20221122152527 (Tue Nov 22 10:25:27 2022)
Active: 20221122152527 (Tue Nov 22 10:25:27 2022)
Retired: 20221128231500 (Mon Nov 28 18:15:00 2022)
Removed: 20221209232000 (Fri Dec  9 18:20:00 2022)
DSPublish: 20221123043555 (Tue Nov 22 23:35:55 2022)
PublishCDS: 20221124153027 (Thu Nov 24 10:30:27 2022)
DNSKEYChange: 20221123163027 (Wed Nov 23 11:30:27 2022)
ZRRSIGChange: 20221124153027 (Thu Nov 24 10:30:27 2022)
KRRSIGChange: 20221123163027 (Wed Nov 23 11:30:27 2022)
DSChange: 20221125053555 (Fri Nov 25 00:35:55 2022)
DNSKEYState: omnipresent
ZRRSIGState: omnipresent
KRRSIGState: omnipresent
DSState: omnipresent
GoalState: hidden

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