> On Nov 28, 2022, at 3:12 PM, vom513 <vom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply and info…
> I would have thought the CDS would be published before the key went active.  
> I.e. there would be a period of TWO DS’es at the parent (I’m assuming the 
> parent supports CDS/CDNSKEY which mine (registrar) does).
> Since the new key goes active, CDS is published, and the old key is retired 
> at the same time - isn’t this going to cause a (lack of coverage/chain of 
> trust) problem ?  I’m really trying to get to a point of a “one command” 
> rollover.  I.e. no API, no uploading DS, etc.  I guess I’ll see tonight when 
> it happens, but I can’t help but feel when the clock strikes I’m going to be 
> missing DS for the new key at the parent.

Sorry to self reply…

So it did “work” as you said Matthijs… I don’t think I necessarily need those 
timers (publish/retire-safety) that I tweaked.  I’d rather use as many bind 
defaults as possible.  I think a big part of my issue was misunderstanding 
“retired” status.  I nuked everything clean and will try this again once 
everything settles down.  Thanks for your patience with me and pointers.

PS: My registrar says they check CDS/CDNSKEY once a day.  Do you think that’s 
reasonable ?  I certainly appreciate them being cognizant/careful of too much 
load on their systems with too many frequent checks, but a day seems long to 
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