dnssec-policy default - where/how to determine what all its settings are?
A verbose copy of this policy may be found in the source tree, in the
file doc/misc/dnssec-policy.default.conf
But I'm not finding that in source nor elsewhere.
There doesn't even seem to be an rndc command that can list
defined dnssec-policy sets that are in place, nor that
can list how they're configured.  This information should be much more
visible/findable, so ... where is it?  I'm sure it must be present
somewhere in the source, but haven't easily located it by searching.
Shouldn't be necessary to run debugging to track down where this is
and where in the source it comes from.  So ... where does one find it?

I've been looking at Debian BIND9 packages:
bind9          1:9.18.24-1
bind9-doc      1:9.18.24-1
and also ISC BIND 9.18.24 source and 9.18.27 source and documentation.
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