There are several layers to respond to your question.
(Looking at ISC source code can at times be fairly easy, but sometimes it's challenging, if for example the author included some private new undocumented macro system.)

First, the official definitions are at IANA:

Second, in working with BIND and DNSSEC over the years, it is not my impression that BIND restricts the algorithm number in any way. I don't think it even knows which types have sub-types, but I could be wrong about that.

Third, the real list is whatever the TLD is taking these days. There was a time that one TLD (IIRC .us) didn't take DNSSEC, and some orgranizations were refusing until the DS-delete option was more widely implemented.  A complicated landscape.  The easiest way I've found is to go to a large registrar and look at the drop-down options it thinks that particular TLD will accept.  It used to be everyone was advised to move to 8/2 but now the move is on to 13, but it's not 100% with everyone.

A side not on a complication of choosing an algorithm.  BIND s/w developers have focused more on automatic-everything, so if you don't want to be involved in choosing anything, BIND will take care of everything.  For those of us that want BIND to maintain re-signing RRs automatically ala version 9.16 but don't want the expanded automatic part of redoing KSKs and ZSKs and choosing algorithms, there is considerable opposition within ISC to adding an option to disable the new behavior and distinguish between the two functions.  While there is a limited feature to give unlimited lifetime to a key, there is no way to disable the relatively opaque and subject-to-change decision process of whether the chosen keys are not appropriate in some way and should be replaced.  Trying to specify different default algorithms and control that behavior gets difficult, especially for those of us with a large portfolio of domains and disparate TLDs.


On 6/6/2024 08:46, Andrew Latham wrote:
Link for the Debian packaged version you mentioned is at https://bind9.readthedocs.io/en/v9.18.24/reference.html#namedconf-statement-dnssec-policy

On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 9:31 AM Andrew Latham <lath...@gmail.com> wrote:

    I took a quick look


    On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 8:19 AM Michael Paoli via bind-users
    <bind-users@lists.isc.org> wrote:

        dnssec-policy default - where/how to determine what all its
        settings are?
        A verbose copy of this policy may be found in the source tree,
        in the
        file doc/misc/dnssec-policy.default.conf
        But I'm not finding that in source nor elsewhere.
        There doesn't even seem to be an rndc command that can list
        defined dnssec-policy sets that are in place, nor that
        can list how they're configured.  This information should be
        much more
        visible/findable, so ... where is it?  I'm sure it must be present
        somewhere in the source, but haven't easily located it by
        Shouldn't be necessary to run debugging to track down where
        this is
        and where in the source it comes from.  So ... where does one
        find it?

        I've been looking at Debian BIND9 packages:
        bind9          1:9.18.24-1
        bind9-doc      1:9.18.24-1
        and also ISC BIND 9.18.24 source and 9.18.27 source and
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- Andrew "lathama" Latham -

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