Discovery of Sound in the Sea (DOSITS; is a comprehensive, 
educational website on underwater sound, designed to provide accurate 
scientific information at levels appropriate for all audiences, including 
regulators and policy-makers. Regulators have needs for comprehensive, easy to 
understand, and rapidly accessible resources. To meet these needs, the DOSITS 
team will be developing targeted resources over the next 18 months. To best 
serve the regulatory community, the team has created a brief survey designed to 
identify high priority topics and resource formats. The survey will take 
approximately 15 minutes to complete.  All members of the regulatory community 
(government employees, federal and state contractors, NGO employees, and 
industry representatives that deal with underwater sound and/or marine animals) 
are encouraged to complete the survey.  Your responses will directly influence 
the development of these new resources, which will be publically available on 
the DOSITS website.
To complete the DOSITS Needs Assessment for the Regulatory Community, please 
follow this link:
The survey will remain open until May 30, 2014. However, we would appreciate 
your completion of the survey as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or problems with the survey, please contact Holly 
Morin ( Thank you for helping us help you!

Holly Morin
Marine Research Associate II
University of Rhode Island
Graduate School of Oceanography 

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