I agree with Dan on the need to be able to "save" analysis done in a Shiny
Bioconductor app, allowing someone later to reload the same state, and to
inspect a session and see what was done.  Perhaps "save" and "load" buttons
should be present in the user interface of any Bioconductor Shiny app that
is not "read-only".

If interactive user input can be saved (as an .RData file?), could that
file be used as input for unit tests either the usual console way or
something like an http POST?


On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Michael Lawrence <lawrence.mich...@gene.com
> wrote:

> An answer to both of these issues is the use of R code. It should be
> possible to drive shiny apps through the server, without the user's code
> knowing the difference. And you've already thought of recording user
> actions as R code. This would be an application of the command pattern, as
> with undo/redo stacks, except each object boils down to a
> function/expression (Tengfei and I have a CRAN package called commandr
> related to this). Someone should try to make a prototype to explore these
> issues then we can start thinking about common infrastructure.
> On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 12:23 PM, Dan Tenenbaum <dtene...@fhcrc.org>
> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > There was a lot of talk about shiny at BioC2013 and it seems like a
> > lot of people are using it for lots of different cool stuff.
> >
> > Now we are at the point where some contributors want to add shiny apps
> > to Bioconductor as packages.
> >
> > We had some discussion internally and decided that there are a few
> > issues we wanted to discuss with BioC developers as well as some of
> > the shiny developers. Please feel free to share your thoughts.
> >
> > 1) Testing shiny apps
> >
> > Typically, bioconductor packages have man page examples, vignettes,
> > and (sometimes) unit tests, so when we build the packages every day on
> > our build system, the code in all of these is evaluated and we have
> > some idea of whether the package is working as it's supposed to.
> >
> > I'm not clear on how to do similar testing of a shiny application.
> > Since launching a shiny app takes away the R console (until the app is
> > closed), shiny apps should probably not be launched in example or test
> > code (unless interactive() is TRUE).
> >
> > Do the shiny folks (or anyone else) have thoughts on testing shiny apps?
> >
> > 2) Reproducible research
> >
> > Reproducible research is really important in our community, but shiny
> > apps are sort of a black box as far as reproducibility is concerned.
> >
> > If shiny apps are "read-only" (that is, if they are just used to view
> > an object) then this is not really a problem. But shiny has the
> > ability now to change objects back in your R session, so we need to be
> > able to track what is done inside the shiny app.
> >
> > shiny apps can return some sort of object that tells you what was done
> > in the shiny session (insofar as it modifies any objects in the
> > users's session) and this object can provide a way to reproduce those
> > steps without the shiny app. So maybe the object would consist of
> > lines of code. This means that if there is a shiny app, the package
> > author must also provide ways to do the same transformations on
> > objects without shiny.
> >
> > There are probably other approaches as well. But the end goal would be
> > a scriptable, reproducible shiny session.
> >
> > Another thought was that a shiny app could emit some sort of state
> > object, and then be restarted with that object.
> >
> > Not sure if the place for such infrastructure is inside shiny itself,
> > or perhaps in a BioC infrastructure package.
> >
> > What are your thoughts?
> > Dan
> >
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Levi Waldron
Post-doctoral fellow
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health
Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer
Building 1, room 412C
655 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
mobile: (617) 851-6849
fax: (617) 432-5619

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