On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 4:46 PM, Dan Tenenbaum <dtene...@fhcrc.org> wrote:

> Hi Winston,
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Winston Chang <wins...@stdout.org> wrote:
> > Hi everyone -
> >
> > Great to hear from you all on your thoughts about Shiny. I've tried to
> > answer some of Dan's questions below...
> >
> >
> >>>
> >>> 1) Testing shiny apps
> >>>
> >>> Typically, bioconductor packages have man page examples, vignettes,
> >>> and (sometimes) unit tests, so when we build the packages every day on
> >>> our build system, the code in all of these is evaluated and we have
> >>> some idea of whether the package is working as it's supposed to.
> >>>
> >>> I'm not clear on how to do similar testing of a shiny application.
> >>> Since launching a shiny app takes away the R console (until the app is
> >>> closed), shiny apps should probably not be launched in example or test
> >>> code (unless interactive() is TRUE).
> >>>
> >>> Do the shiny folks (or anyone else) have thoughts on testing shiny
> apps?
> >
> >
> > With regard to testing, we have unit tests for various components, and
> we're
> > working on end-to-end tests using Selenium.
> >
> > We do have some unit tests in inst/tests/, but they are entirely on the R
> > side - they don't test interaction with the browser. We have some other
> > tests in inst/tests-js/, which exercise the client (Javascript) side, but
> > they don't test interaction with the server.
> >
> > Of course it's important to have tests for client-server communication.
> > We're also in the process of setting up some end-to-end tests using
> > Selenium, but that's just in the beginning stages right now. Hopefully in
> > the future we'll have more to say about these kinds of tests.
> >
> >
> My feeling (and I could be wrong) is that Bioconductor package
> developers will be more concerned with testing the basic logic of
> shiny apps, and that therefore testing only in R would be sufficient
> for the most part. For example, if you could simulate a slider in a
> unit test by just changing a reactive value, it would not be necessary
> to make sure it works in the deployed context (with browser and
> server).

Unfortunately, the testing of logic in a Shiny app does require an active
connection from web browser, since the state of a Shiny app includes both
the server and client. In other words, you can't simulate a slider value
change without actually starting a web browser -- although it may be
possible to automate these tests using something like phantom.js, which is
a headless web browser that can be used for testing. As I mentioned, we're
working on setting up some tests like this.

On a related note, someone on the Shiny-Discuss mailing list just posted
about a project he's working on which makes it possible to have R and
Selenium WebDriver commuicate:


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