Thanks, Kasper. On your second point: Yes, several recent updates. The bump to 
v1.1.2 was two days ago, so I figured that would have been reflected in a newer 
build already. I will give it a few more days.

> On Jan 26, 2017, at 11:57 AM, Kasper Daniel Hansen 
> <> wrote:
> It happens in devel that your dependencies fail and then your package fails.  
> Right now XCMS fails in devel because mzR fails.  That will presumably be 
> sorted out.
> The latest build report
> <>
> is 1.1.1.  Did you do a couple of updates very recently - remember the build 
> system gets run (at most) daily.
> Best,
> Kasper
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 9:53 AM, James Collins < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi all:
> Two questions regarding the LOBSTAHS package:
> 1. Dev build seems to be failing (“error”) on toluca2 after I pushed some 
> updates from our git repository to Bioc svn. Error is:
> * installing to library 
> ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/library’
> ERROR: dependencies ‘xcms’, ‘CAMERA’ are not available for package ‘LOBSTAHS’
> * removing 
> ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/library/LOBSTAHS’
> However, seems to build fine on oaxaca. Any ideas why this is happening? xcms 
> and CAMERA should be available for the package, correct?
> 2. After bumping the version number (from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 and then 1.1.3) with 
> the updates, the latest version (1.1.3) does not appear to be showing on the 
> dev page, which leads me to believe it is not the version being disseminated 
> with biocLite()
> <> 
> < 
> <>>
> Perhaps this is because I cherry-pick all my commits when committing from git 
> to the Bioc svn? Or because of the error message?
> Thanks in advance!
> Jamie Collins
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