Hello BioConductor Team,

We are in the final steps prior to submitting a new package to
Bioconductor.  As recommended, we want our package to pass BiocCheck with
no Errors, Warnings, or Notes. However, we have a problem regarding the
indentation of a vignette written rmarkdown.

-- BEGIN BiocCheck output --
[3] "Consider multiples of 4 spaces for line indents, 11 lines(0%) are not
-- END BiocCheck output --

The problem seems to be the indentation required for yaml syntax of the
author section.  In the section, we have several authors, affiliations, and
emails using just multiple of 2 space indentation. The problem is that we
could found a way to correctly indent such a section without breaking the
vignette construction process.

We have observed that In section 3.1 of the biocstyle vignette about
authoring using Rmarkdown (
The author and affiliation sections uses just 2 spaces instead of the
recommended multiple of 4.

So, in your opinion, what would the recommended strategy for dealing with
this issue?

Carlos A. Catania (AKA Harpo)

        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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