Hi all,

I'm working on developing an R package with the aim to eventually submit to 
Bioconductor. I would like to automatically create a new image and push to 
dockerhub with github actions when I push changes to the github repository. 
Does anyone have an example of this process in their repositories?

Two things to also consider, I would ideally like the tag of this dockerhub 
push to be the R package version (from the DESCRIPTION) to differentiate 
between images, is this possible? Secondly, I currently have the dockerfile 
created but, since my R package repository is private I have been building the 
R package and using the tar.gz file in the dockerfile to install the package 
(rather than using devtools::install_github()). Is there a way to tell the 
Dockerfile to install the R package in the current repository?

Kind regards,

Alan Murphy
Neurogenomics lab
UK Dementia Research Institute
Imperial College London

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