Hey Alan,

> is that installing the master branch or the current branch that has been 
> pushed to?

It is based on the current branch.

> Building image [***/scfdev:combiz/scFlow:0.7.1 ***/scfdev:dev-am 
> ***/scfdev:sha-658a6af]
> invalid argument "***/scfdev:combiz/scFlow:0.7.1" for "-t, --tag" flag: 
> invalid reference format

I don't think the problem is the Dockerfile, but the GitHub Actions workflow 
itself (specifically, the issue seems to be related with the tag of the image). 
Could you show me your GitHub Actions workflow file to check what is going on?


> On 3 Jun 2021, at 20:05, Murphy, Alan E <a.mur...@imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hey Nuno,
> Thank you very much for your comprehensive explanation!
> I have a question regarding the `remotes::install_local()` approach in the 
> dockerfile, is that installing the master branch or the current branch that 
> has been pushed to? I ask as I'm working on 'dev-am' branch and I got the 
> following error:
> Building image [***/scfdev:combiz/scFlow:0.7.1 ***/scfdev:dev-am 
> ***/scfdev:sha-658a6af]
> invalid argument "***/scfdev:combiz/scFlow:0.7.1" for "-t, --tag" flag: 
> invalid reference format
> See 'docker build --help'.
> Error: Error: exit status 125
> Usage:
>   github-actions build-push [flags]
> Flags:
>   -h, --help   help for build-push
> exit status 125
> Obviously, this may not be down to this but I'm just trying to rule things 
> out since this was the only change I made to the dockerfile. The docker file 
> has this added following your dockerfile:
> ## Install scFlow package
> # Copy description
> WORKDIR scFlow
> ADD . .
> # Install R package from source
> RUN Rscript -e "remotes::install_local()"
> RUN rm -rf *
> Cheers,
> Alan.
> From: Nuno Agostinho <nunodanielagosti...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:nunodanielagosti...@gmail.com>>
> Sent: 03 June 2021 11:57
> To: Murphy, Alan E <a.mur...@imperial.ac.uk <mailto:a.mur...@imperial.ac.uk>>
> Cc: bioc-devel@r-project.org <mailto:bioc-devel@r-project.org> 
> <bioc-devel@r-project.org <mailto:bioc-devel@r-project.org>>
> Subject: Re: [Bioc-devel] Add dockerhub push to github repository
> This email from nunodanielagosti...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:nunodanielagosti...@gmail.com> originates from outside Imperial. Do 
> not click on links and attachments unless you recognise the sender. If you 
> trust the sender, add them to your safe senders list 
> <https://spam.ic.ac.uk/SpamConsole/Senders.aspx> to disable email stamping 
> for this address. 
> Hey Alan,
>> I would like to automatically create a new image and push to dockerhub with 
>> github actions when I push changes to the github repository. Does anyone 
>> have an example of this process in their repositories?
> Well, I use GitHub actions to build a Docker image and push it to GitHub 
> Container Registry, maybe this could help somehow: 
> https://github.com/nuno-agostinho/psichomics/blob/master/.github/workflows/docker.yml
> <https://github.com/nuno-agostinho/psichomics/blob/master/.github/workflows/docker.yml>
> I use GitHub releases to release a new package version and, every time I 
> release a new version, a new Docker image is built (this image also gets 
> automatically tagged with the latest tag). I also build Docker images every 
> time I push changes to the dev branch.
> Regarding DockerHub, I have DockerHub set up to automatically build Docker 
> images every time I push to master (to create the latest tag) and dev 
> branches in GitHub, as well as every time I create a new tag (which I do when 
> creating new releases). I could put this in the GitHub actions, but I didn't 
> bother yet.
>> I would ideally like the tag of this dockerhub push to be the R package 
>> version (from the DESCRIPTION) to differentiate between images, is this 
>> possible?
> I think you can run some bash script in your GitHub Actions based on your 
> DESCRIPTION file. I would have to test but maybe something like:
>     - name: Get R package version
>       run: |
>         version=$(grep Version DESCRIPTION | grep -o "[0-9.]\+")
>         echo "packageVersion=${version}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
>       shell:
>         bash {0}
> You can then access this variable in other steps via ${{ env.packageVersion 
> }} like so:
>     - name: Build and push
>       uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
>       with:
>         push: true
>         tags: ${{ github.repository }}:${{ env.packageVersion }}
>> Is there a way to tell the Dockerfile to install the R package in the 
>> current repository?
> To build the image, I use ADD . . to put the GitHub repository content in the 
> Docker image and then install the package using remotes::install_local(), as 
> you can see from my Dockerfile: 
> https://github.com/nuno-agostinho/psichomics/blob/master/Dockerfile 
> <https://github.com/nuno-agostinho/psichomics/blob/master/Dockerfile>
> I hope I was clear and helpful. Please tell me if you need help with anything 
> else! :)
> Best,
> Nuno Agostinho
>> On 3 Jun 2021, at 07:52, Murphy, Alan E <a.mur...@imperial.ac.uk 
>> <mailto:a.mur...@imperial.ac.uk>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm working on developing an R package with the aim to eventually submit to 
>> Bioconductor. I would like to automatically create a new image and push to 
>> dockerhub with github actions when I push changes to the github repository. 
>> Does anyone have an example of this process in their repositories?
>> Two things to also consider, I would ideally like the tag of this dockerhub 
>> push to be the R package version (from the DESCRIPTION) to differentiate 
>> between images, is this possible? Secondly, I currently have the dockerfile 
>> created but, since my R package repository is private I have been building 
>> the R package and using the tar.gz file in the dockerfile to install the 
>> package (rather than using devtools::install_github()). Is there a way to 
>> tell the Dockerfile to install the R package in the current repository?
>> Kind regards,
>> Alan.
>> Alan Murphy
>> Bioinformatician
>> Neurogenomics lab
>> UK Dementia Research Institute
>> Imperial College London
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