
I'm trying to use Rsamtools to bin reads into genes using the countBam function. I have a GRanges object which defines the range of the annotation and has additional information in the "elementMetadata" field, for example like this:

> aa
GRanges with 3 ranges and 2 elementMetadata values
    seqnames               ranges strand |     tx_id            tx_name
       <Rle>            <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer>        <character>
[1]    chr16 [18780546, 18811724]      - |     43866 ENSMUST00000115586
[2]    chr16 [18780546, 18812065]      - |     43865 ENSMUST00000000028
[3]    chr16 [18807449, 18812080]      - |     43868 ENSMUST00000115585

I want to use the countBam function to count the number of reads that occur within each annotation range, which I do with the following:

> countBam("bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam",param=ScanBamParam(which=aa))
space start end width file records nucleotides 1 chr16 18780546 18811724 31179 bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam 16 800 2 chr16 18780546 18812065 31520 bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam 17 850 3 chr16 18807449 18812080 4632 bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam 2 100

My question is, is there a way to get the "elementMetadata" to come along for the ride in the countBam output? So there'd be another two columns in the countBam output, "tx_id" and "tx_name". The problem is that the ranges do not always appear in the same order in the GRanges input and the countBam output, so to recover this information it is necessary to use match and pull information out of the GRanges object, which while doable, is cumbersome. Is there some built in way to do this that I'm overlooking?



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