Hi guys- new here hope this is the right medium for getting questions answered.

I hope someone can shed some light as to what i am doing wrong here
I am trying to extract subsequence data from a RichSequence as follows:

        RichSequenceIterator seqs=RichSequence.IOTools.readFastaDNA(input, ns);
        RichSequence rs=seqs.nextRichSequence();
return RichSequence.Tools.subSequence(rs, startCoord, endCoord,rs.getNamespace(),seqName, rs.getAccession(), rs.getIdentifier(), rs.getVersion(),rs.getSeqVersion());

When I check my result againt the expected i find that for example 5001-5175 yeilds a sequence located at 10001 and 10175

Any insights as to why?

I hope so

Thanks for your help

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