today while doing the bi-weekly duck run in front of peche island, i found 5
bald eagles. 3 adults, and 2 immatures. 1 adult was at the western side of
peche island (opposite and a little bit west of windsor marina) and the
other 4 were either perched on a tree at the extreme east edge of the
island, or sitting on the ice near the open water east of peche island.

also in the river were several hooded mergansers, and the usual huge
concentration of mute swans, redhead, canvasback, scaup, goldeney and
buffleheads that are here every winter.

there is also a kingfisher further down little river (go straight out of the
marina down riverdale, and left at the 2nd stop sign a few km down the road.
at the little river bridge, look north towards the river. the kingfisher is
always around and about)

windsor marina is on riverside drive at riverdale (a few km east of lauzon
road), and sand point beach is the best place to view the eastern edge of
peche island. park in the little turnaround loop at the east end of the

-matt baker

"Matthew Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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