Hi Everyone
With the overnight southerly flow of warm air, a number of early
migrants were pushed into the Ottawa region. Despite light rain today,
March 29th, there was plenty of activity along the Ottawa River to keep
birders in the mood. I made two visits along the river, one in the
morning and the other late afternoon. Overall it was exciting with a
number of early birds including 1 Bonaparte's Gull (Remic), 3
White-winged Scoter (Deschenes), 1 Red-necked Grebe (Remic) and  1
Horned Grebe (Deschenes). Other note worthy observations were 1 Female
Harlequin Duck (Remic) , 7 species of gulls including Lesser
Black-backed, Iceland and Glaucous (all Remic).
    Landbirds migrants included Eastern Phoebe, Tree Swallow and
Golden-crowned Kinglet. A pair of Merlins were observed copulating near
Remic Rapids. Other migrants included Snow Goose, Lesser Scaup, Greater
Scaup, Ring-necked Duck, Wood Duck, Northern Pintail, Bufflehead, and
Hooded Merganser

                                        good birding

Bruce Di Labio
400 Donald B.Munro Drive
P.O.Box 538
Carp, Ontario, K0A 1L0
(613) 839-4395

Directions to Britannia Conservation Area/Deschenes Rapids :
Courtesy of Larry Neily at
      From Highway 417(The Queensway) take exit 129 (Greenbank &
Pinecrest            Roads).If traveling west, the 0.3 km off ramp dumps
you right or north onto
      Pinecrest Road. If driving east, a 0.3 km off ramp brings you to
      Pinecrest/Greenbank Road, where you will turn left or north onto
      Pinecrest Road and in 0.4 km join the westbound off ramp traffic.
      Both groups will now follow Pinecrest Road north 0.8 km from
      here to Richmond Road. Turn right or northeast onto Richmond
      and go 0.5 km, crossing Carling Avenue, to Poulin Avenue. Turn
      left or north onto Poulin and go 0.6 km to where a right only turn

      puts you on Howe Street. Follow Howe west 0.2 km to Britannia
      Road. Turn right or north onto Britannia Road and proceed 0.8 km
      to Cassels Street. The Britannia Yacht Club is directly in front
      you. Park along Cassels Street. You will have to proceed on foot
      through the Yacht Club gate, walk 200 metres east past the
      barrier and 150 metres north to the DechĂȘnes Rapids - Ontario.
      To view the area below the rapids proceed east along Cassels to
      the Y junction and bear left to go behind the filtration plant.
      Britannia Point and a good view of the swirling flock can be had

Remic Rapids:
>From Highway 417 (The Queensway) take exit
      122 (Parkdale Avenue). The eastbound exit
      ramp comes to a stop sign at Parkdale Avenue
      in 0.1 km, while the westbound exit ramp
      becomes Westmount Avenue and reaches
      Parkdale Avenue in 0.2 km. Turn north onto
      Parkdale and proceed 1.7 km to the Ottawa
      River Parkway, passing Wellington and Scott
      Streets on the way. Pass under the Ottawa River
      Parkway. Continue 0.3 km round a 270 degree
      righthand turn to join the Ottawa River Parkway.
      Continue 0.8 km southwest along the Parkway to
      the Remic Rapids Lookout turnoff. Turn right or
      northwest into the parking area at Remic
      Rapids. If entrance to parking lot is closed, park on weekends in
     Tunneys Pasture Government Complex parking lot.


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