As well as the C. Black-headed Gull at Wheatley 
Harbour today, other species included:

Great Egret 3 - Hillman Marsh
N. Pintail 65 - Hillman Marsh
Am. Wigeon 120 - Hillman Marsh
Ruddy Duck 58 - Hillman Marsh
Woodcock 2 - Pelee Post Trail and Sparrow Field
Tree Swallow 5 - Pelee Sanctuary pond
Winter Wren 13 - tip to v.c. Pelee

Directions: Drive east along county road 34 from
Leamington. At county road 37, turn right and drive
south to Hillman Marsh, or continue on to Wheatley
and at county rd. 1 turn south. Just before Omsteads
turn left for Wheatley Harbour.

Good birding,
Fred Urie

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