
Tonight at 6:00 PM we and Dave Don had the Louisiana Waterthrush at
It was on the zebra mussel beach as described by John Keenleyside earlier.
It did not look well and may not make it through the night. It attempted
feeding, had its feathers fluffed to the maximum and slept for periods. As
we watched it, a Killdeer fell over and died. Although, we know 1000s of
birds are dying this week it still is disconcerting to see it actually

Paletta Park extends south to the lake, from Lakeshore Rd. in
Burlington, half way between Walker's Line and Appleby Line.

Bob and Glenda

Bob Curry and Glenda Slessor
3115 New St. Unit 30
Burlington, ON
L7N 3T6

"Bob and Glenda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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