Wayne Renaud and I birded Presqu'ile and Thickson Woods today.

Best bird at Pres'quile were a male and female orchard oriole. The trees were 
full of Baltimore Orioles, I've never seen so many at
one time. Rose-breasted grosbeaks followed a close second, there were dozens of 
the birds. Both species were seen by the lighthouse.
Warblers were very slow, we only managed yellow, yellow-rumped, palm, redstart 
and Nashville.

On the way back, we stopped in at Thickson and managed 11 species of warblers 
in short order (Nashville, Tennessee, redstart,
black-throated blue, black-throated yellow, chestnut-sided, yellow-rumped, 
ovenbird, black and white, magnolia, palm). There was
also a red-headed woodpecker that was seen towards the western edge close to 
the sightings book. According to the book, golden-wing
and blue-winged warblers were also seen today.

To reach Presqu'ile Provincial Park, follow the signs from Brighton. Locations 
within the Park are shown on a map at the back of a
tabloid that is available at the Park gate.  Access to the offshore islands is 
restricted at this time of year to prevent
disturbance to the colonial nesting birds there.

    To reach Thickson's Woods exit from 401 to Thickson Road South in Whitby.  
Proceed south past Wentworth Street to the Waterfront
Trail.  Turn left, turn around and park on the north side of the road.  Enter 
the woods on a path from the south side, about 200
metres east of Thickson Road.  Follow the trails through the woods, some of 
which access the Lake Ontario shore.  To view the beaver
pond and Corbett Creek Marsh continue east about 100 metres past the entrance 
to the woods.  The meadow is across the Waterfront
Trail immediately north of the woods. The entrance is directly across the 
waterfront trail from the entrance to the woods.  To view
a map, visit the Thickson's Woods website at http://www.thicksonswoods.com

Good Birding
Jacques Giraud & Wayne Renaud

"Jacques Giraud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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