Despite the poor weather, extremely high winds and rain, the birds at
Rondeau today were surprisingly good.  Numbers were low for warblers but
there were high numbers of Grosbeaks, Orioles and Tanagers throughout the
park especially on South Point Trail.  There were not many warblers but the
weather kept what was around below knee level leaving great views of around
20 species throughout the day.  Despite the low numbers of birds there were
still lots of notable species around today.  
   The morning hike produced Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Yellow-throated Vireo, a
singing Clay-coloured Sparrow (@911# 17272) on Lakeshore Rd, and a female
hooded warbler on the lawn of 911# 17214 on Lakeshore Rd. as well. The
afternoon hike down South Point Trail was even more productive with
excellent views of Black-billed Cuckoo,Golden-winged Warbler (after second
year male), and a White-eyed Vireo. 
        Without a doubt the bird of the day was a female Blue Grosbeak that 
up at around 3pm on the beach off of south point trail toward the end of
the afternoon hike (bad day to take a day off Alan!)  The bird was hoping
around eating grass seeds on the edge of the beach.  An absolutely gorgeous

Other notable species include a Northern Parula on Spice bush trail, a
Bay-breasted Warbler on Tulip Tree trail and a few Prothonotary's are
making themselves available for some views for the lucky.  Lots of Magnolia
Warblers and Least Flycatchers.  Eastern Wood Pewee's and Kingbirds are
starting to show  up in good numbers.   

The bad weather will most likely hinder any migration overnight so it is
unlikely that these birds would have gone anywhere overnight.  

Stu Mackenzie
Friends of Rondeau



May 1-19 and May 23-26 inclusive

Each day there is a morning hike at 7:30 a.m. -- meet at the Visitor Centre.

Each day there is also an afternoon OR evening hike, as follows:

Mondays:  1:00 p.m. in the Park - meet at the Visitor Centre
Tuesdays:  1:00 p.m. at the Blenheim Sewage Ponds - map available at the V.C.
Wednesdays:  6:00 p.m. in Ridgetown -- meet at the Native Trail, Scane Road 
just south of Golf Course Line
Thursdays:  1:00 p.m. in the Park -- meet at the Visitor Centre
Fridays:  7:00 p.m. on Marsh Trail -- meet at parking lot
Saturdays:  1:00 p.m. in the Park -- meet at the Visitor Centre
Sundays:  1:00 p.m. in the Park -- meet at the Visitor Centre

For Additional Birding Events at Rondeau, visit the “Friends” website at

Jon (Sandy) Dobbyn and Myrna Dobbyn     
P.O. Box 1393 Blenheim, ON CANADA
N0P 1A0
519-676-0184                    (Home)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       (email) 
Sandy and Myrna Dobbyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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